Mindsets of the Filipinos

1.) Do you agree with Lacson’s observations? Which parts do you agree with and which parts do you disagree with?

After reading Lacson's article on Mindsets of the Filipinos, I'm impressed. I actually do believe that the mindsets stated are actually true. Not just most of them but all of them. I'm quite attacked by most of it, I must say; from the deprivation-deservation syndrome down to the concept of accountability. Even his other observations enlightened my inner self; media plays a lot of character in this world.

2.) Can you think of specific examples in which the mindsets describe by Lacson apply?

As I've said, I'm quite attacked by most of the mindsets observed and mentioned by Lacson; and I actually mean it for the sole reason that I have observed and/or experienced them myself. Here are some of my observations and experiences:


I realized that I have been constantly thinking that I deserve something just because I am deprived of it, per se. I have this mindset that when an opportunity comes up, I have to grab them immediately cause you'll never know when or will it comeback. This mostly act up when there's an eat-all-you-can gathering with the family or when we're checking in a once in a lifetime grandiose hotel which in fact is free, as for my case, because my more privileged relatives are paying for it. I tend to get much more than I needed: these includes food, consumption of water, electricity, and even sanitary resources like alcohol and tissue papers (which is something the world needs most right now) and forget the idea of conservation. I should probably mitigate this toxic trait of mine. Also with love, when someone opens a door for me, I immediately enter their world without knowing the circumstances, well not anymore.



Now that Lacson had mention it, I may have this "Kulang sa Pansin Syndrome" sometimes. I tend to seek for belongingness and recognition from others too much that it sometimes reaches to the point where the trait I treasure the most is greatly affected, and this trait is sincerity. Also, in line with this, whenever I did something great, I always quest for credits and ownership. I always feel like I needed the affection and control of my success. In addition, Crab Mentality, per se, is something I cannot deny on. Well, we can never deny that it motivates us knowing that others are below us and that we are ahead of someone. It's not a bad thing nor a good thing. It's just there. It's a mindset we cannot set ourselves free, basing from personal experiences. Whenever I get a low score on the exams, I always compare my score with the others so that I would know which level I belong and if ever I feel low, it motivates me in a good way; to be better. On the contrary, I never have experienced "panglalamang" to others. As long as I can manage, I will never step on someone, insult someone, or take advantage on someone vulnerable just to make myself feel better because I believe that everything you do, it will all come to you.

In this world full of wisdom, we always seek for convenience, although we know not everything that is convenient is right.
Living in this world is not as convenient as it could be, well not for all people. Some are just very privileged enough that convenience is not a problem. But for those who are born unfortunate, whose fate are drawn drastically, there is a battle for convenience. The illegal settlers for example, they built homes on lands that are not legally theirs to start with just for their convenience, to have a place to call home. On the other hand, some of the privilege people also seek for more convenient approach. Just think of those jeepney drivers who do shortcuts just to arrive on their destination quickly, for their convenience. Or commuters, who wouldn't wait for the walk signal to switch or would not cross on pedestrian lanes so they can save time, for their convenience. We live for convenience without knowing the risks ahead.

This mindset is where I identify myself to. I'm quite aware that I'm a very optimistic, and hopeful person. I always bring people to smile wherever I go. I am always looking forward to having better days. I counter my sadness by looking on the brighter side, although that bright side is nearly dimming off; and I always face the world with positive vibes. On the other hand, I like talking, talking to my friends specifically. It helps me cope with the stresses of life and also it's an investment for friendship. Whenever something bad happens, either to me or to my friends, I always try to make things better; and whenever there's a plan up ahead, I always think of the possibilities that may happen. Well, I don't call myself a black belter in sarcasm and realism for nothing.

As a freshman college student, I tend to break rules sometimes. I am exploring my limits as of now, and knowing that I am stubborn (I accepted this already.), I will do everything I can just to do what I want to do; and when caught, denying the responsibility would be at the top of my head. "I'm still growing and there are a lot of things I still need to know." This is my excuse to myself often.

Do you think that these mindsets are innately Filipino? Or are they the result of socio-historical and cultural influences? Explain.

I believe that these mindsets are not innately Filipino and that most of it are results of socio-historical and cultural influences. Cultures are past through from generations to generations. I believe so are mindsets. Mindsets are technically cultures set in our minds. We obtain these mindsets through observing the ways of the elderly and/or through discovering them ourselves in the latter run as Filipinos who've been influenced by a lot of cultures. The society we live in helps us form our identity. It helps us grow. But just because we are bound to be Filipinos, it doesn't mean that we all have to live on the same mindsets. Through this module, I came to a realization that it's not too late to start redirecting our minds and reconstructing our ways for ourselves, and for the society we belong.


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