1.) Of these strategies, which have you encountered during political campaigns?

  • The first persuasive strategy mentioned is “how speakers may present their own rhetorical projects as exercises in political consensus” or Taking and Avoiding Sides. This is when a communicator decides to simply side with one group against another to address the problem of audience diversity. One example is when politicians present themselves and speaks as “just an ordinary citizen, with views just like the common folk” rather than a member of the political circle.
  • The second is “appealing explicitly to broadly defined ingroups” or Explicit Appeals to Common Ingroup Membership. Communicators try to appeal to diverse audiences by looking for ways to find common ground between them – a single overarching characteristic for an entire group. The diverse audience must be regrouped into a single category, the leader/communicator’s proposition must meet the needs of this category, and the leader/communicator must also present themselves as a typical in-group member.
  • The third is Constructing Aspiration Identities. Communicators appeal to audiences by envisioning for them a future which is incredibly different from the present. The communicator constructs for the audience more empowered and privileged future identities and rallies the people to achieve change.
  • The fourth and last is Implicit Displays of Rhetorical Alignment. This strategy is a bit more indirect in trying to influence the thoughts of the audience. This is through body posture, gesture, or even clothes. Even the usage of inclusive pronouns such as “we”, “us”, and “our” serves to endear the speaker to the audience and establish a rapport with them.

2. Of these strategies, which have you encountered during political campaigns?
  • From watching political campaigns through the years, I’ve seen a lot of these strategies employed by the many different politicians who have run for various positions in office. A big example of Implicit Displays of Rhetorical Alignment is the “Laban” symbol of the Aquinos.

3. Were these strategies effective for you? Why or why not?
  • For me, I didn’t buy any of it. However, in overall effectiveness, I think it definitely was. It actually won some of them their places in office such as both Cory and Noynoy Aquino and Duterte.


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